Coding Life

Sami Elsayed has a lot of decication and passion for coding. He is currently a sysadmin understudy at TJHSST.

Elsayed has a lot of passion on coding, it is also one of the top reasons he decided to go to TJ, but the way he bulit his passion is a bit more unique than others. Here in this webpage lists all of the coding languages Elsayed has learnt or learning currently.

Lua (2017-2020)

Elsayed's journey in coding actually started a bit later than other people. Lua was one of the first coding languages that Elsayed learnt. The main reason why he learnt this language was because he loved building games, especally on Roblox, so having knowledge of Lua was essiential. Athough the games he made were impressive at the time, he stopped learning the language in 2020, after he decided to call it quits on Roblox.

HTML (2019-present)

When Elsayed moved to middle school, he began coding in HTML to build webpages for his coding class at Franklin. Mainly the reason that he started learning this language was that it was one of the coding languages that was taugh in his coding class. He design multimedia websites using this coding language, along with other languages such as CSS. After passing his coding class, he though the language was easy to learn, fun to learn, and a useful language to know about. To this day, he still is using HTML to design and perfect his websites.

CSS (2019-present)

Along with learning HTML, he also learnt the language of coloring and decorating, which makes his websites more colorful. Again, he started learning this language after passing his coding class, which opened his vision into Web Development. CSS is also another language that Elsayed is using to this day.

JavaScript (2020-present)

To connect with the other two languages listed above, he decided to learn about JS. This language allowed him to interact with the websites he was making, which was revolutionary. He started learning this language during the pandemic after school was cancelled for the rest of the year. Although he started to learn this language during the pandemic, he still is learning JS to this day.

Python (2021-present)

Python was a language that he started learning in his CS class at TJ. He work on recursion, cyptography, file systems, Django, and many more (though Django is self-taught). Python is language stated by Elsayed as being "important for his TJ career and life", using the language in the sysadmin understudy, and learning enough to do Artificial Intelligence at TJ.

Java (2021-present)

Java is another language that he started learning in his CS class at TJ. Using Java, he worked on recursion, cyptography, and mainly on Object-Orentation. Java is also another language that Elsayed said is important to his TJ career, mainly learning this language to be able to do AP Computer Science A (with Data Structures).

R (2021-present)

R is a language that Elsayed learnt in his first math class at TJ, TJ Research Statistics 1, or RS1. R is a stats language that he used to make histograms, bar charts, line graphs, etc. Elsayed enjoyed learning the language in class, and decided to keep on learning it to hold his data, and to use it possibly for Data Structures (aka APCSA+)

SQL (2022-present)

SQL was a language Elsayed learned as a sysadmin understudy.

Some more coding extentions:

Git (2021-present)

Elsayed started learning Git after using GitHub as a place to store all of his code in order for him not to lose it. Git is also another coding feature that was self-taught, mainly starting to learn it over the 2021 summer, before getting more information in the sysadmin understudy.

Vim (2022-present)

Elsayed started learning Vim as soon as he go into the sysadmin understudy program. Vim was one of the first asssignments Elsayed completed, and currently uses it on